  Public Ticket #820914
Different Layers on Mobile Phone


  • Robin started the conversation

    Sorry, but i really didn't find an elegant way to solve this.

    I would like to have different content on the slider on Tablet/Desktop and Phone view. I've seen, that i can remove Slides under width. So i could add another layer of text and background over the mobile view and remove it on phone. But this seems not to be elegant.

    How can i show different content on mobile and desktop view?

  •  807
    Igor replied


    the only solution as far as I can see is to use, for example Advanced module manager and to publish specific modules based on the device type. You will have to define multiple sliders for each device type


  • Robin replied

    Hi and thanks for the reply!

    I tried something similar. I have the predefined position "slider" and use a helix template. There i defined a second module position "slidermobile" (with template manager). I assigned a second slider with mobile content to it. Then i set module "slider" to be visible on tablet and desktop and the module "slidermobile" to be visible on phone only. Everything looked fine so far.

    I assume, the inactive slider was only hidden. Unfortunatelly i noticed, that the cpu is running at 100% when opening the page. Maybe a hidden slider causes some error :(

    Do you know if advanced module manager does things differently than helix template manager in terms of hiding/display:none and related javascript?

  •  807
    Igor replied


    I believe that Advanced module manager doesn't load module at all in case it doesn't fit the rule but you will have to check this either on your own or by contacting its developer


  • Robin replied

    Solved my issue.

    Okay. Tried to install advanced module manager. Unfortunatelly i had versions missmatch etc. anyway i didn't want to install an extra extension for that.

    I noticed, that joomla supports responsive support classes visible-tablet, -desktop, -phone etc.

    Now in "Classes"-Option in Advanced Params, I was able to define visibility individually for every layer of the slider. I now have content only visible-phone and other layers on hidden-phone. super simple. I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for help!

  •  807
    Igor replied


    Awesome! I'm glad the problem is solved.

    If you have 5 minutes, we will much appreciate if you would write a review for Revolution slider on the JED. You can submit it here:


    Thank you very much!

    All the best, Igor
