  Public Ticket #455255
small pics generated on full screen view


  • Andy started the conversation


    Often when clicking on a thumbnail in the grid the unite gallery then opens a small version of the actual photo and renders it at the bottom of the screen. Sometimes the large photo fails to be shown at all

    When closing the window and then re-opening the image appears as it should (see attached screenshots for comparison).

    All images have been compressed and re-sized (maximum size = 0.5mb). The problem occurs on all browsers tested on including desktop, mobile and tablet. Unite gallery type = tiles-justified.

    Otherwise very happy with the gallery. Problem also flagged up by client in separate testing.



  •   Max replied privately
  •   Max replied privately
  •   Andy replied privately
  •  951
  • Andy replied

    Thanks Max, shall I reinstall the zip over the current version in extension manager?

  •  951
    Max replied

    yes. exactly.

  •   Andy replied privately
  •  951
    Max replied

    Hi. The problem is that I don\'t have android phone :( only iphone and ipad. so I can\'t test it on android phone. Could you please test it in some desctop browsers (just lower the screen size to fit mobile size) and tell me if you see the same behaviour in desktop? If not, I\'ll have to get an android phone from somewhere wich is not easy deal :(

    If you find bug in desktop so I could see it, I\'ll fix it fast.