Hi. the slider don\'t have this perticular language. Sorry. If you want, you can make a translation for wordpress version, in wp interface, and it will work for joomla too.
I don\'t think they will translate now, they are working on the new vesrion. most likely they will give you the directions to translate in wordpress. but you can try :)
I do not know with can.
It is still not possible to translate the administration of the revolution slider? Even directly in the cod?
I await a response
thank you!
Hi. the revolution slider has translations. What language do you need?
For adding more translations you can, but from wordpress version only. you have to make .mo and .po files in wordpress and add them to joomla.
I tried this for Joomla, and could not translate. But I can not believe it\'s not possible to translate using Joomla.
it should work automatically. what language you have?
I need the pt-br.
Português /Brasil
Very thanks .
Hi. the slider don\'t have this perticular language. Sorry. If you want, you can make a translation for wordpress version, in wp interface, and it will work for joomla too.
how to get to do that? Not work with the WP. What are the steps?
I have friends who work with WP.
Thank you.
HI. You just add translation in wp way for the revolution slider wp version. I took all the translations from the WP.
I don\'t know exactly how it\'s done, I know that there is some plugins for wp that do the translations files.
This is a serious flaw. You are the best sliders existing managers.
But it left me extremely disappointed. A basic option. Frankly I do not understand how the administration can not translate my component in Joomla.
Any simple plugin, component or module that is easily possible.
ok. Just to understand.
You are not the same team?
I thought we were only together one team working for all CMS.
sorry I said the wrong post. ignore the last message.
Thank you for the explanation.
If I get in touch directly with the themepunch team? This can solve? Thank you!
I don\'t think they will translate now, they are working on the new vesrion. most likely they will give you the directions to translate in wordpress. but you can try :)