  Public Ticket #403373
Does UG store a cache?


  • Blue_Shift started the conversation

    I'm thinking of replacing a series of galleries I'm using in a production site with UG. I feel the client will be much better able to manage it's nicely designed and configured UI. In my tests, it's slower on page load than I anticipated - it doesn't seem to cache the images (using compact format), but rather renders on the fly. Suggestions?

  •   Max replied privately
  • Blue_Shift replied

    The load - especially for the second image - is still slow. 'Preload all images' made no difference.

    any item on this page loads a UG gallery

    UPDATE: Using the 'Grid' theme with the panel set to the bottom looks just like Compact....but loads significantly faster. Maybe there's something in the Compact theme code that needs a tweak?

  •   Max replied privately
  • Blue_Shift replied

    I added a special page with both items on it.

    demo page

    (could you cloak the link above, please?- I don't want to pollute seo results or show up in google searches. because that happens....a lot.)

  • Blue_Shift replied

    I'm happy with how grid is working, so i'm going to close the ticket.