  Public Ticket #395881
Video Gallery theme


  • Jay started the conversation


    How can I choose Title Only theme for the video gallery?


    I see the setting and it is on, but there is no playlist in the video gallery on the page..

    Where I click in Theme Options Choose Scroller Skin and choose Title Only is okay, I only have 3 options in there..

    Under this is a tab, Edit Skin Css but it does nothing when clicked.

    For now the player looks like this:
    No playlist and no titles visible, only Arrows on the bottom...


    Hope to get this resolved as soon as possible


  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    it does not have enough width so its showing the responsive mode. if u wan t i can try to help u adjust if u send me backend access

  • Jay replied

    Hi - I set the width to 1800, and it just scales everything larger. Where are the options to pick the different layouts in the backend? This is all I see: http://prntscr.com/6ild28

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    u have some container in your html making the width less than 1800 can u send me a link so i can see ?

  • Jay replied

    Hi - I used the preview in the backend to see that it was full width; there was nothing containing the preview. I then changed Min. Width to 1150, and Full Width is checked yes. You can see that result here: https://resiliencyinc.com/training/tutorial-videos

    Where do I choose the options for the different themes? It looks like only the default theme is included, and when I try to find out more about even that, all I see is a 'coming soon' page.

  • Jay replied

    Nothing now?

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    a supervisor will get back 2 u later today, there is definetly a bug

  • Jay replied

    Hi - Thank you. My partner actually installed the extension and created the gallery. I now see that the gallery settings (type) are picked when you create the gallery. I was actually expecting the ability to choose different settings on an existing gallery. As she said we she created the original ticket, we are hoping to get this resolved quickly as we have a usage case for it, but it is not working as expected.

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    u should have a solution today and if not i will personally refund u

  • Jay replied

    Wow. It's hard to believe that a product "loved by 100,000+" has such a bug that was found straight away after install. This is a core function you clearly show in your demo. That makes me believe either your demo is not using this product, or you have made changes since the version used in the demo was released that have broken the functionality. Please either fix the extension or tell you you are unwilling or unable and I will find another solution. Regarding a refund, you needn't bother. I think I got this free due to a problem with a previous promotion that was unclear.

  •   Max replied privately
  • Jay replied

    Hi - First, let me say that providing FTP/SFTP/SSH, etc. access is not an option. This is due to some data for children that is stored in the database.

    Regarding the settings, let's not yet get hung up on those. At install, the theme 'Video Gallery' was selected. Since this theme was part of the extensions, I would expect it should be working as shown on the demo site. Are you saying that it does not work like that at install? I would assume since you include many themes with the extension, all of those themes should work. Are you referring to the included themes in your comments about themes, or themes possibly provided by others?

    You can tell me any values you would like set in the settings, and we are happy to try those. Every value we have tried thus far shows us a look like you see, which appears to be the 'Default Theme'.

  • Jay replied

    Hi - It is time for us to make a decision on using this extension or not; we simply cannot wait any longer. What say you?

  • Jay replied

    Hi - Your non-reply says a lot about your organization and its products. Expect a less than good review for this product due to its poor performance and your poor support.

  •   Max replied privately
  • Jay replied

    Hi - While I appreciate that you normally take FTP/admin access, that is not possible in this case. Generally, I am used to extensions that work correctly when I install them. I have no idea what the difference is with this site. It is Joomla 3.3.6, and we have not had any issues with it with any other extensions. Why now, and why with your extension, is a mystery. Given that this site has nothing unusual on it, I don't have a clue why your extension does not work when several others do. Sadly, I had to uninstall your extension due to it not functioning as advertised.

  •   Max replied privately