  Public Ticket #371640
Cannot change style on layer general parameters


  • Mark started the conversation

    Hi all,

    If I want to change my style on the layer general parameters, nothing happens. B.e:

    I choose 'large_bold_grey', press 'edit style', change the font family from 'Open sans' to 'Georgia, serif', size from 60px to 95px, my font and size will change in the font preview window, press 'save/change' choose Overwrite the current selected class "large_bold_grey", press 'save' and update slide, nothing happens to the font layer on the slide window .

    If I press edit style again, my font family is 'Open sans' again, and the size went back to 60px.

    So I can't overwrite the default style. I'm using Joomla 3.3.6

    Any ideas?



  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    what version of slider ?

  • Mark replied

    4.6.5 b1

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    can u give link and backend access please ?

  • Mark replied

    Hi Amit,

    I created a teamviewer session for you as long as you need>

    My Teamviewer ID : 260011979

    Password : 5076



    Username : admin

    Password: lb2003ds

    To recreate the problem:

    Components-> Unite Revolution slider 2 ->Edit slider1-> edit Slide 3 -> edit style of Layer 1 -> change font and size for large_bold_grey -> save and overwrite class -> edit style again and the font and size are not changed.



  •   Max replied privately
  • Mark replied

    Hi Max,

    You can reach the site on

    Username : admin

    Password: lb2003ds

    To recreate the problem:

    Components-> Unite Revolution slider 2 ->Edit slider1-> edit Slide 3 -> edit style of Layer 1 -> change font and size for large_bold_grey -> save and overwrite class -> edit style again and the font and size are not changed.

    In the mean time I tried Firefox, same problem.

    I noticed, that, if I change a standard style, and save it as a new style b.e large_bold_grey and save it as large_bold_grey2. I just can do this once, I can see the changes made on the front-end. If I edit the large_bold_grey2 style again, and want to overwrite the style, I can see the changes in the preview, but after updating the slide, nothing happens on the front-end. I have to save the style again with another name b.e large_bold_grey3, to see the change. It looks like I can't change and overwrite styles, even the styles I created myself.



  •   Max replied privately
  • Mark replied

    Hi Max,

    You can reach the front-end on

    Or when in Joomla, press pb in the upper right corner.

  • Mark replied

    Hi Max,

    I saw that you logged in. Do you know what I mean? I tried it on different Joomla templates, but still the same problem. What works is, after changing a style and save it under another name, and then choose the style, the style changes on the front end. But I can't change a saved style, so if I'm not satisfied with the style, I have to change it, save it onder another name, and choose the style afterwards, So I get al lot of saved styles in my list I don't use.



  • Mark replied

    Hi Max,

    Is it possible to send you a movie with a screen capture so you can see what's happening?

  •   Max replied privately
  • Mark replied

    Hi Max, I will setup everything for you tonight. Front-end , backend acces and ftp. Is there an email address where I can sent my screencast to? Because I can attach a file to a ticket here, but the screencast file is to large.

  • Mark replied

    Hi Max,

    Everything is setup. You Can reach the backend at

    Username : admin

    Password: lb2003ds

    Frontend at:

    FTP: port 21

    Username : Max

    Password: max

    You will enter the root of my test environment, here is the complete joomja website including all files, and your files. You have read and write permissions.

  •   Max replied privately
  • Mark replied

    Hi Max, I think the problem is solved with Firefox! I tried some different slides and text layers, and with Firefox, I can change styles, save them, and my front end looks good! Maybe there is a problem with Safari, so I'm going to use Firefox for editing the back-end. Many thanks for your great and fast help about this subject! Unite Revolution Slider is a great product, so that's why I contacted you a lot, to solve my problem.

    Again, Many thanks!



  •   Max replied privately