This is a little off topic, but we’re now using UEE so heavily that I thought I’d ask if you have any suggestions. We have a front end login page ( for users to log in on our website, which using Elementor’s log in widget. If a user correctly enters their username/email and password, the widget has a setting that allows us to forward the user to any page on the site. But if the user mistypes their email/username or password, they’re forwarded to a backend page ( Is there any way to keep users on the (front end) login page when they mistype their credentials? Thanks.
This is a little off topic, but we’re now using UEE so heavily that I thought I’d ask if you have any suggestions. We have a front end login page ( for users to log in on our website, which using Elementor’s log in widget. If a user correctly enters their username/email and password, the widget has a setting that allows us to forward the user to any page on the site. But if the user mistypes their email/username or password, they’re forwarded to a backend page ( Is there any way to keep users on the (front end) login page when they mistype their credentials? Thanks.
I am sorry, but we can't provide support for the Elementor native widgets
Please contact Elementor support and ask them to help you with their widget and configuration
Thank you for your understanding!
I understand. Thanks for responding.
no problem at all. Glad I could help