  Public Ticket #3537856
Ajax Filter Search Widget


  •  3
    Yannick started the conversation

    Hey guys, 

    I have some problems with the Ajax Search or need functions, that seem to me to be not available. Am waiting since 3 weeks for support. 

    If you search for Urolo (kind of want to see all urologist, which is in German Urologe or Urologie as general topic), I see 3 results, if I complete the term to Urologie I see only two. Then Dr. Beecken is missing. If I try to search for Orthopädie or Dermatologe there is no result. The terms are connected to the posts so I don't understand why it's sometimes working and sometimes not. In which way the ajax search can find a post? 

    I would love to be able to search for terms, categories, fields and the related post to be shown. 

  •  876
    Igor replied


    I have notified second level support about your original ticket

    They will respond to it, so I will close this one as duplicate

    Thank you for your understanding!
