  Public Ticket #3360375
Content Accordion - Hover for title bar


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    cebde started the conversation

    The content accordion is truly great, and I use it for all projects. What I am missing from the title bars is a visual feedback, that the bars are clickable:There is an "active" condition in Styles, but no "hover".

    While I am at it: This is your only widget which can handle FAQ Schema code (which works great, by the way)?

    Putting FAQ content in the tiny Elementor text boxes as "item" is a tedious task. Sometimes I wished instead of "items" there could be different optional sources, like ACF flexible fields or custom posts. I know you have accordions for posts, but those cannot handle Schema code, can they?

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    try to delete and reinstall the widget from the catalog you should have option for different source types 

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    cebde replied

    It worked with an ACF repeater field immediately in my current demo. What a relief. I will test further. 

    (This is so powerful I would suggest a small demo video for your manual, so people not so familiar with ACF repeaters get the idea how useful this is for easy maintainable FAQs. - I also could prepare a demo, if needed.)

    The title box "hover" does not work yet, "active" does.

    I saw a new "ad files" field (pointing to the media gallery) with an [Add form] button within "items/item" - can you explain in the manual webpage what that does? I am curious.

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    not sure which fields you are refering to maybe u can attach a printscreen

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  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    i mean about this question 

    I saw a new "ad files" field (pointing to the media gallery) with an [Add form] button within "items/item" - can you explain in the manual webpage what that does? I am curious.

  •  1
    cebde replied

    False alarm - I reviewed this and the funny field comes from elsewhere because "Add Form" is as well now on a simple Elementor's text block (never realized it before).

    I need to scan my plugin list for what that causes and what it is for. It might come from Qform...

    Attached files:  Bildschirmfoto 68.jpg
      Bildschirmfoto 71.jpg