  Public Ticket #3126813
Icon not showing in "copy coupon code" widget


  • Dominik started the conversation

    Hello everyone,

    the icon of the "copy coupon code widget" is not displayed on my website. I can see it in Elementor but not in the frontend. I already tried disabling all plugins except Elementor and Unlimited Elements and cleared the cache. I use the Hello theme. On another website of mine everything works fine...

    I would be very grateful for your help!

    Kind regards

    Attached files:  screenshot Elementor.png

  •  1,173
    Amit replied

    if u put a simple icon widget does the same icon work ?

  • Dominik replied

    Hi, I just tried it, a normal Elementor icon widget is displayed

  • Dominik replied

    I solved it: it was the "force disable fontawesome" option - although I didn't change anything in the settings after installation, it was enabled...

  •  1,173
    Amit replied

    ok coolÂ