  Public Ticket #3107722
UPDATE Unite Slider Joomla 3.x and Joomla 4x Free and Pay Versions


  • Mauricio started the conversation


    There are clients who use this extension a lot and are willing to pay for it.

    Please don't abandon your customers!

    If you integrate this component into several Joomla templates that currently exist on the market, as a courtesy to your customers you should do the simple update for Joomla 3.x and Joomla 4.x and of course create the paid version for users who DO. we use

    Leaving without updating any of its components, even if it is in a free version, puts the client in a bad situation. For professionalism, I recommend that any component that you bring to the market DO NOT ABANDON IT, please!... it is better that you DO NOT bring it to the market.

    Hay clientes para TODO y muchos de nosotros nos quedamos con una buena impresión de su componente, funciona muy bien y por supuesto, pueden hacer negocios con su creación.

    Waiting for your kind reply!.

    Your site is insecure,!!!  are you do something or no?.... attach image of that....



    Attached files:  Unite_Slider_error_01.png