I created custom taxonomies linked to custom posts.
I need a widget that make easy for a user in a page to select different taxonomies hierarchical, getting a list of posts. I don't undestand if you have any widget plugin suitable.
If it's not clear I do a example.
The user in the taxonomy "kind of trees" select "quercus"
in the taxonomy: "kind of play" select "adventure"
When he starst the serarch have to get the lisy of all post "adventure" in the groups "quercus"
Im building a new site.
I created custom taxonomies linked to custom posts.
I need a widget that make easy for a user in a page to select different taxonomies hierarchical, getting a list of posts. I don't undestand if you have any widget plugin suitable.
If it's not clear I do a example.
The user in the taxonomy "kind of trees" select "quercus"
in the taxonomy: "kind of play" select "adventure"
When he starst the serarch have to get the lisy of all post "adventure" in the groups "quercus"
thankyou very much.
maybe this what u mean