  Public Ticket #288517
Linking URL in Text Layer


  • iam started the conversation

    I bought and installed revolution_slider4.6

    How can I link an URL to a Text Layer.

    I can't find in the documentation.

  •  1,200
    Amit replied

    u wrap the text with a link tag for example 

    <a href="http://www.unitecms.net">your text</a>

  • iam replied

    Thanks for the quick response,

    What about linking an URL to Images?

  • iam replied

    Please disregard my linking an URL to images question.  It is similar to text.

    BUT I HAVE A BIGGER ISSUE with linking an URL to a Text Layer.

    The yourtext is not displayed.  Instead the URL is displayed.

    I tried to edit the Text/ Html are AND I also tried to the Delete Layer successfully because Slide Edit the screen kept flashing.

    Tried to click on Update Slide but the quick flash prevent me from doing that.

    Please see 2 attached files.

    Thank you. 

  • iam replied

    I have another issue related to the Text Layer.

    When I tried to edit the text in a different text layer in the background, the admin backbround is replaced by front end page.

    That means admin background just disappeared.

    See the 2 attached in this note.

    Please help.

  • iam replied

    I thought the image layer link is the same as text layer link.

    it seems NOT.  When I click on the Amaia logo, it did NOT go the URL link page.

    Please see attachment 5 with this note.

    So. How do you link URL to an image?

  •  952
    Max replied

    Hi, for url from image you have this tab: 


  • iam replied

    do you have a chance looking at the issues regarding text layers I described above?

  •  952
    Max replied

    You mean the background change? 

    Please send me a link to the slider and access to joomla I'll check it out.

  •   iam replied privately
  • iam replied

    I sent you a link as private comment;

    Please note that when an URL link is created a in text layer, I cannot edit of delete the layer.

    As soon as I selected the said text layer I intend to edit, the actual front end URL replaces the joomla admin.

    Boom - Unite Revolutiion Slide editer disappered. 

  • iam replied

    I also tried to animate the text layer unseccessully.

    I seleted a text, from layer animation > start animation > short from left.

    i can see the preview layer example works fine..  But it does not work at the actual from end site.

    Please check Jazz hand slide and Afforable condos text layer.

  •  952
    Max replied

    Hi. after you make changes you have to clear cache to see the slider changes in front end of your website.


    in the layer you forgot to put " in the link after the href. 
