  Public Ticket #2860778
Joomla 4 Compatibility


  •  2
    Andy Moore started the conversation


    is Unite Slider compatible with Joomla 4?

    If not what's the ETA please?


  •  876
    Igor replied


    Unite slider is not compatible with Joomla 4 and it won't be compatible

    Our developers have decided not to update this extension anymore, because similar functionality is available in our Blox page builder, which is actively developed and supported

    Thank you for understanding!


  • tamga_bong replied

    Mr Igor

    I am very surprised by your response not to make this extensions compatible. However you should know that we are migrating for joomla 4.x and we who use this extension would like it to be compatible even if your box page builder has this functionality..

    Tell that to your developers. not everyone uses your box page builder.

    And I remind you that the wordpress version is always updated and why not the Joomla version since 2017?


  •  876
    Igor replied


    they are very well aware of everything but have decided not to develop or update Unite slider anymore.

    Focus is put on some other things and that is their final decision

    I am aware that you don't want to see this as an answer, but that is life and business I guess. Business is looking for new ways of earning money and Unite slider is not that way.

    Thank you for understanding!


  • tamga_bong replied


    Thank you Boss for your irrevocable decision!



  •  876
    Igor replied

    Just to be clear. That is not my decision

    This is decision from the developers and owners

    I work here only as a support and can only provide information I have


  • dydu replied

    dear UniteCMS team

    Urgent request for compatibility UniteGallery for Joomla 4. I buy and obtain for many years from you the components.

    So also the Bloxpagebuilder and also the UniteGallery. On almost all my projects is an extension from you used, because I have always considered your work as very reliable.

    In 2020 you told me that you will not update Bloxpagebuilder anymore 😊 Although I offered you to finance the programming, at least so far that my projects can continue to operate without worries. I was recommended by you to switch to SP, which I have now also done reluctantly and have realized 5 projects in the meantime.

    Now I read that you do not want to make another important component (Unite Gallery) compatible to Joomla 4.

    From my point of view this is really a mistake. Please note that you have some web designers as customers, like me.

    GrĂŒsse, dynamic-duo webdesign/-publishing


    Liebes UniteCMS Team

    Dringliche Bitte um KompatibilitĂ€t UniteGallery fĂŒr Joomla 4. Ich kaufe, beziehe seit vielen Jahren bei Euch die Komponenten.

    So auch der Bloxpagebuilder und auch die UniteGallery. Auf fast allen meinen Projekten ist eine Erweiterung von Euch eingesetzt, da ich Eure Arbeiten immer als sehr zuverlÀssig angesehen habe.

    Im 2020 habt mir Mitgeteilt, dass ihr Bloxpagebuilder nicht mehr aktualisiert 😊 Obschon ich Euch angeboten habe, die Programmierung mit zu finanzieren, wenigstens soweit, dass meine Projekte weiterhin sorgenfrei betreiben kann. Mir wurde von Euch empfohlen zu SP zu wechseln, was ich nun auch wiederwillig gemacht habe und zwischenzeitlich 5 Projekte realisiert habe.

    Nun lese ich, dass Ihr einen weiteren mir wichtigen Komponenten nicht auf Joomla 4 kompatibel machen möchtet.

    Aus meiner Sicht ist das wirklich ein Fehler. Bitte beachtet, dass ihr einige Webdesigner als Kunden habt, so wie mich.

    GrĂŒsse, dynamic-duo webdesign/-publishing

  •  876
    Igor replied


    I am afraid that the decision that developers made is final and that they won't change it

    None of UniteCMS extensions will be upgraded to be compatible with Joomla 4


  • Mat Newcomb replied

    oh right! So basically dropped... can I get a refund then as I just bought another years license in order to upgrade to J4! I won't be able to use the software and end of development wasn't mentioned anywhere which is pretty bad in my opinion...

    My account user name is my email address, please refund my purchase, I will have to rebuild my slideshows using the sp pagebuilder slider....

    Kind regards,

    Mat Newcomb

  •  876
    Igor replied


    please open new support ticket, so we don't mix your details with other members in this thread


  • Martin replied

    Unite Gallery is by far the best gallery on the market. I don't see similar options (I love "justified" option).

    I don't get it. You (developers) don't want to develop it further. Please give me the rights, I will find someone who sees the value.

    unitecms.net without SSL certificate, even the customer login, no development for years... For a long time I have seen that the gallery is treated very neglected.

    In this ticket: https://unitecms.ticksy.com/ticket/2867308/

    the developer is cited saying: blox will be not updated to joomla 4 unfortunatelly. next week I'll make some notice in the plugin and make oll free, or something like this. we'll not update the joomla products for now for joomla 4

    But you, igor, are saying here: 

    "Our developers have decided not to update this extension anymore, because similar functionality is available in our Blox page builder, which is actively developed and supported"

    So we should use blox page builder but blox will also not be compatible with joomla!4.

    It's a mess i guess

  •  876
    Igor replied


    I am sorry, but I wasn't aware of their decision for Blox when I wrote my answer. I was supporting everything except Blox and the developers didn't share their decision with me
