  Public Ticket #2719118
Loadmodule not working


  • [deleted] started the conversation


    I need to have modules loaded inside the addonitems of Bullet tabs. When I add the module inside using {loadmodule xxx} all that displays on the front end is {loadmodule xxx} and the module doesnt load.

    This is standard Joomla functionality.. why is it not working and how can I get it to work please. I use this kind of functionality all over


  •   Max replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    what do you mean you don’t work on blox anymore?   Are you not maintaining the product ?

  •   Max replied privately
  • [deleted] replied

    Seriously??? Why was this never made clear when I bought the product. I was under the impression that this was a valid up to date product and would continue to be updated and worked on.

  •   Max replied privately
  • [deleted] replied


    No I dont want a refund.. yes it is a good product, im just disappointed that there will be no more work on it. Thats ok. I will continue to augment it with my own stuff for the future.

    Why are you not continuing with it?

  •   Max replied privately