  Public Ticket #270880
Add support for Joomla extension update check


  • Simone started the conversation

    The extension is very stable and now i think you can include code for Joomla Upgrade system, so we can check when to update this extension. Thanks, my is a simple feature request ;-)

  •  1,173
    Amit replied

    ok we will try thank you

  • Simone replied

    Hi, some news about this feature? 

    I hope this link could help... 


  •  902
    Max replied

    Hi. we cant do this feature because subscription payment system on our website. 

  • Simone replied

    Oh, ok... right.

    And a simple "check" like: "your version is update" or "Latest version is x.x.x, download now" with a link to your site?

    Lots of commercial extension show this in the Joomla Extensions Updater

  •  1,173