  Public Ticket #2573566
product query for post list


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    Nir Louk started the conversation

    I do not have the same flexibility on selecting the products i want to be displayed. 

    in some of your videos it look like you support elementor query UI and options, but when making a "post list" - i just dont get same abilities and interface. 

    why you don't have a simple query abilities like many elementor widgets?
    for example:
    i selected "product" from "type"
    but then - i can not select manually products to display. ability elementor have in most products/post widgets.
    and the lists in your drop down look very long and rich, but i couldn't , for example , show all products of a specific author....
    Nor to manage to have the "related products" query to work on a single product page.

    Also - how can i display the "related" and "cross sell" products in a product page?

  •   Max replied privately
  •  1
    Nir Louk replied

    What you mean the section background task?...
    can we see this task list?... 

    The problem is that with current abilities - the flexibility is very limited. 

    custom selection of posts is a basic one i think. at least to select one by one when the filter is missing...

    even "related" are brings post that are not expected.

    and for example - how can i select posts of only one specific author? no author filter there.

  •   Max replied privately
  •  1
    Nir Louk replied


    so i see you released new version.

    will now you will fix the query issues on the posts list?...

    1. "related posts" query - not working. added it on product page template - it is not showing the "related" products selected.

    2. no ability to manual select products

    3. no ability to select products by meta (like products of specific author)

    and all the other things we talked about here below...

    please assist. 

    post list is not really usable without strong and flex query abilities. 

  •  1
    Nir Louk replied


    to sharp the issue - i am looking for a way to query also "cross sell" and "up sells" products.

    as your "related" is obviously something else.

  •   Max replied privately
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    Nir Louk replied

    Thank you very much. :)

    But please note - the use of product grid is woocommerce. That's why all these queries like "cross sell", "by meta info" , "custom selection" etc are important.

    will wait for your work, as it is a show stopper on the website i am working on. i can not get the right filter/query to show the products...

  •  1
    Nir Louk replied

    for the mean while you are working on it...

    can you give more examples on the query id?

    it is not the original Elementor query_id behavior....

    your query_id is used for filter:


    while Elementor behavior is with direct access to the WP_Query object:


    Can you explain how i can use your query_id to custom the query and not just to filter and re-order?

    which arguments are there in the array that it is passing?

    I am trying , for a start, to make a custom solution for getting "cross sell" products in a single product template. just till you will finalize the work of revising the whole thing.


    *********** update: temp solution found for cross sell on single product template *********

    function myCrossSell($args, $widgetControlsValues){

    $crosssells = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_crosssell_ids',true);

    //$day = $widgetControlsValues["day"];
    $args['post__in'] = $crosssells;



  •   Max replied privately
  •  1
    Nir Louk replied

    Its fine. for now i can write my queries in this method.

    Better you will use your time on a general solution. like we initially talked about.


  •   Max replied privately
  •   Nir Louk replied privately
  •   Max replied privately
  • Marvin replied


    all answers are on private. Are they any news for manual selection on "post list" (posts, custom post types etc.) ?

  •  952
    Max replied

    yes, sure. the manual selection is working now.

    today will release version with even more optoins on posts selection.

    if you missing something please tell me, I'll add it for you.

    please wait for today release.