administrator/components/com_uniterevolution2/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_uniterevolution2.sys.ini and administrator/components/com_uniterevolution2/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_uniterevolution2.ini contains only few string.
So there are some strange files into administrator/components/com_uniterevolution2/language/ like :, revslider-en_GB.po,, revslider-de_DE.po
they contains lot of strings. I guess there are the ones really used for translation but simple adding my own ones and revslider-fr_FR.po seems not translating anything.
The correct (better) file name is revslider-fr-FR.po
My file is correctly found. Unfortunately, I guess it should be an error into it because when checking this file inc_php/framework/pomo/mo.php on ligne 185.
// transform raw data into set of indices $originals = $reader->str_split( $originals, 8 ); $translations = $reader->str_split( $translations, 8 );
$originals and $translations are empty.
Is there a documentation about the po file format I can check ?
I've seen there-s no french translation for Unite Revolution Slider.
I'll make one for me. I will be happy to give it to you for future component updates.
What is the best way to do it ?
Best regards,
Mmmh, it seems you are not using the standard Joomla translation system.
Is there something special to know about your system ?
should be regular nothing special i know about
and administrator/components/com_uniterevolution2/language/en-GB/en-GB.com_uniterevolution2.ini
contains only few string.
So there are some strange files into administrator/components/com_uniterevolution2/language/
like :, revslider-en_GB.po,, revslider-de_DE.po
they contains lot of strings. I guess there are the ones really used for translation but simple adding my own ones and revslider-fr_FR.po seems not translating anything.
Maybe I'm missing something.
Hi, the translation is taken from wordpress version. Please try to rename the fr-FR to / fr.po (remove the underscore) and then check.
If not, please give me you joomla admin access I'll check.
I've checked the behavior of your code.
I've followed the langue file loading and seen :
The correct (better) file name is revslider-fr-FR.po
My file is correctly found. Unfortunately, I guess it should be an error into it because when checking this file inc_php/framework/pomo/mo.php on ligne 185.
$originals and $translations are empty.
Is there a documentation about the po file format I can check ?
I will make a try with poedit instead of direct code editing.
Ok it works.
I've translated some strings using Poedit and it work as expected.
I will finish translation and send it to you.
Tthank you for your help.
Best regards,
ok, thanks a lot! I didn't checked all the translations coming with the wp version, sorry, only the russian one :)