I bought flip boxes from codecannon - it's reviewed as a five star plugin but didn't load - frustrating - so I paid their outsource co envato 20 bucks to do it for me - still no pluggin - all I got was a unsupported, untested, may be incompatible with latest versions warning pluggin called page builder and an email saying they had bolted my purchase onto that. Which they haven't - it's no where on dashboard. I'd like my plugin or my money back.
Amit hi - finally managed to load, apols before for frustration but a great looking plugin and set my heart on using and resented the extra download charge. Plugins should load easy. But now have a new problem - my web designer says it won't load on homepage, he's highly qualified and says checked all the parameters, where can I go from here?
I bought flip boxes from codecannon - it's reviewed as a five star plugin but didn't load - frustrating - so I paid their outsource co envato 20 bucks to do it for me - still no pluggin - all I got was a unsupported, untested, may be incompatible with latest versions warning pluggin called page builder and an email saying they had bolted my purchase onto that. Which they haven't - it's no where on dashboard. I'd like my plugin or my money back.
u can file for a refund here
Amit hi - finally managed to load, apols before for frustration but a great looking plugin and set my heart on using and resented the extra download charge. Plugins should load easy. But now have a new problem - my web designer says it won't load on homepage, he's highly qualified and says checked all the parameters, where can I go from here?
Finest W
ask him if there is js error in console