How can you control the excerpt length provided by the Posts Lists query tag {{item.post_lists.intro}} ? I have tried adjusting excerpt_length in my functions but it appears this tag is not being controlled by that filter?
There are a couple of other queries like this in the forum but the answers are private.
How can you control the excerpt length provided by the Posts Lists query tag {{item.post_lists.intro}} ? I have tried adjusting excerpt_length in my functions but it appears this tag is not being controlled by that filter?
There are a couple of other queries like this in the forum but the answers are private.
{# use the truncate filter for lower the text length. arguments are: (numchars, preserve(true|false), separator="...")#}
{{ some_attribute|truncate }}
{{ some_attribute|truncate(50) }}
{{ some_attribute|truncate(100, true) }}
{{ some_attribute|truncate(150, true, "...") }}