Dear Sir/Madam,
on webpage we are using your extension for Joomla, Unite Slider revolution Version 2.2.1. On desktop/laptop screens is working perfectly, but on the mobile version is hidden. I already made some research, what could I do:
But the problem is, that I cannot find this buttons for "Disable Slider on Mobile" etc. For smaller screens I should also modifiy slider for proper UX.
It is probably because we have outdated version and I do not know, how to update it?
Dear Sir/Madam, on webpage we are using your extension for Joomla, Unite Slider revolution Version 2.2.1. On desktop/laptop screens is working perfectly, but on the mobile version is hidden. I already made some research, what could I do:
But the problem is, that I cannot find this buttons for "Disable Slider on Mobile" etc. For smaller screens I should also modifiy slider for proper UX.
It is probably because we have outdated version and I do not know, how to update it?
Thank you for your help in advance, Peter
Please update your Unite slider to the latest version which can be download from UniteCMS website