  Public Ticket #2273037
Is Possible Load SLIDER with a Custom Field?


  • Ricardo started the conversation

    Hey, I Need Help with Something
    I'm Using Wordpress + Elementor

    I will explain in detail what I need.
    I will give detailed pictures of everything.

    1 - I have a Custom Post Type called DOGS
    ( https://prnt.sc/qnbu7p )

    2 - In this Post Type, I have a field for Image Upload,
    A gallery field where I can upload multiple images in each post.
    ( https://prnt.sc/qnbut1 )

    3 - What I want is a Thumbmails Slider that dynamically loads this field.
    The result I hope to get, is this from the next image:
    ( https://prnt.sc/qnbve0 )

    4 - As an example of how I want to upload the images in this Slider, we have the Elementor Widget Gallery
    Elementor Pro's Widget Gallery dynamically loads images like this:
    ( https://prnt.sc/qnbvum )

    5 - The Result of this Widget Gallery, with dynamically loaded images looks something like this:
    ( https://prnt.sc/qnbw20 )

    What I really need is a Method, which does the same thing as Widget Gallery (Item 4)
    But be a Thumbmails Slider, and give me a result like Item 3

    How can i Do IT, and load the Gallery to load in Slider from a Custom Field in Post?

    If your Plugin can't do it, can you tell me another plugin to do this task?

    Who can help, Thank you.

  •   Max replied privately