  Public Ticket #2039846
strange bug


  • Edoardo Guzzi started the conversation

    I'm trying to create a widget that goes just to insert js code to activate functions on specific elements classes or ids.

    the attribute not appear(all widget same problem) < i think its a plugin conflict>

    and I have several strange errors and problems.

    EDIT1: a lot of error is my fault i have inserted wrong part of code which was not necessary as the <script> tag

    EDIT2: i found the plugin conflict. i dont know why the plugin zemez jet-elements block the correct functionaly of unlimited elements. 

  •   Max replied privately
  • Edoardo Guzzi replied

    its in staging. but if i deactivate jet elements, all work correclty 

    in production site apparently all work and no conflict.

  •   Max replied privately