Comments Eliska started the conversationApril 29, 2019 at 12:11pmHi,my web is just one page which runs on Blox Page. I would like to ad some subpages. There is possibility to add more pages in blox, but how to publish them and connect them with homepage?Eli 1,200Amit repliedMay 5, 2019 at 6:59amyou need to have a header and menu coming from your theme. then you can create menu items as blox pages under menu and asign each menu item to a blox page Sign in to reply ...
my web is just one page which runs on Blox Page. I would like to ad some subpages. There is possibility to add more pages in blox, but how to publish them and connect them with homepage?
you need to have a header and menu coming from your theme.
then you can create menu items as blox pages under menu and asign each menu item to a blox page