Comments Ronald started the conversationApril 6, 2014 at 8:28amCan site users add their videos to the slider or does it always require admin submital? 1,200Amit repliedApril 6, 2014 at 9:11amin the latest version you have option for html 5 video from serverRonald repliedApril 6, 2014 at 11:04amI am sorry but I dont understand the answer. I know we use HTML 5 video. My question is can a registered user submit a video for the slider without the admin having to selet it in the Backend? 1,200Amit repliedApril 6, 2014 at 3:30pmno this is not possible Sign in to reply ...
in the latest version you have option for html 5 video from server
I am sorry but I dont understand the answer. I know we use HTML 5 video. My question is can a registered user submit a video for the slider without the admin having to selet it in the Backend?
no this is not possible