• Running most current version of WP Bakery Page Builder 1.0.40
• Running most current version of Unlimited Addons v 5.7
• CURRENT ISSUE - Whenever I click on Add Element using the WP Bakery Page Builder editor the page eventually times out and I get a Google Chrome pop-up menu that the page is "Unresponsive" and then the page eventually crashes. I purchased the Unlimited Addons package on 2/18/19 and I've had no issues trying to add and edit existing elements until now :/
1. If I disable the Unlimited Addons plug-In and attempt to Edit any page or post then suddenly WP Bakery Page Builder works just fine again allowing me to add the standard cookie-cutter Elements :/
2. Attempted to Deactivate, Uninstall and Reinstall both plug-ins and issue persists
3. Attempted to Delete and Add the same new Page and issue persists
4. Attempted to Delete and Add the same new Post and issue persists
5. Attempted to Disable Gutenberg Editor and issue persists
6. In the dashboard under Unlimited Addons I am successfully able to access and make changes to My Addons and General Settings
PLEASE HELP!!! I'm losing valuable production time trying to get a site up and running for a client
Thanks for the quick reply - So I contacted GoDaddy business support and they showed me how to log into cPanel and increase the memory limit. I've increased the memory limit to as follows (attached screen shot as well):
allow_url_fopen On display_errors Off error_reporting E_ALL file_uploads On
This time when I attempted to Add a new Element through the WP Bakery Page Builder it took much longer to attempt the action, but eventually it still crashed :(
• Running most current version of WordPress 5.0.3
• Running most current version of WP Bakery Page Builder 1.0.40
• Running most current version of Unlimited Addons v 5.7
• CURRENT ISSUE - Whenever I click on Add Element using the WP Bakery Page Builder editor the page eventually times out and I get a Google Chrome pop-up menu that the page is "Unresponsive" and then the page eventually crashes. I purchased the Unlimited Addons package on 2/18/19 and I've had no issues trying to add and edit existing elements until now :/
1. If I disable the Unlimited Addons plug-In and attempt to Edit any page or post then suddenly WP Bakery Page Builder works just fine again allowing me to add the standard cookie-cutter Elements :/
2. Attempted to Deactivate, Uninstall and Reinstall both plug-ins and issue persists
3. Attempted to Delete and Add the same new Page and issue persists
4. Attempted to Delete and Add the same new Post and issue persists
5. Attempted to Disable Gutenberg Editor and issue persists
6. In the dashboard under Unlimited Addons I am successfully able to access and make changes to My Addons and General Settings
PLEASE HELP!!! I'm losing valuable production time trying to get a site up and running for a client
try to increase your php memory in php.ini to maximum
Thanks for the quick reply - So I contacted GoDaddy business support and they showed me how to log into cPanel and increase the memory limit. I've increased the memory limit to as follows (attached screen shot as well):
allow_url_fopen On display_errors Off error_reporting E_ALL file_uploads On
include_path. :/opt/alt/php72/usr/share/pear
log_errors On mail.force_extra_parameters no value max_execution_time 30
max_input_time -1 memory_limit 256M open_basedir novalue post_max_size 128M
session.save_path /opt/alt/php72/var/lib/php/session
short_open_tag On upload_max_filesize 128M
This time when I attempted to Add a new Element through the WP Bakery Page Builder it took much longer to attempt the action, but eventually it still crashed :(
What should I try next?
how many addons have you imported?