  Public Ticket #188019
Responsiveness by Layer


  • Quinn started the conversation
    Is there a way to control whether a particular layer in a slide is response or not? I would like to have a caption/text layer that doesn't resize with the browser width, while an image layer does resize. I've tried toggling the advanced layer parameter "Responsive Through All Levels", but this doesn't seem to do what I want.
  •  951
    Max replied


    for being true I don't know if there is an option for it. You can try to give a fixed width to an layer, or to an inner html of the layer, maybe it will do the job.

    like <div style='width:400px important!;height:100px !important'>some text</div>

    but I don't sure it will help.


  •   Quinn replied privately
  •  951
    Max replied

    ok, I'll look up for the second ticket. good luck with this issue. 

  • Quinn replied

    As you know, I've been spending many many hours playing around with this sliders capabilities. It is possible to fix the dimensions of a layer element.

    For a text layer, in the Layer General Parameters, create a unique font Style (no need to Edit Style in the component, just type a new name in the Style field). Then in your CSS, create the same style an make sure it has:

    font-size: 36px !important;

    Change 36px to whatever size you want. You can also play with the CSS3 dynamic sizing here as well:

    1vw = 1% of viewport width
    1vh = 1% of viewport height
    1vmin = 1vw or 1vh, whichever is smaller
    1vmax = 1vw or 1vh, whichever is larger

    So, for example, for a font size 5.2% of the viewport width:

    font-size: 5.2vw !important;

    Where it gets interesting is using the vmin and vmax. You can use it along with a fixed dimension, and the browser will use the fixed dimension if it doesn't support it (most new browsers seem to support it without special tags). What's important to over-ride the component generated element level styles is the "!important".

    For an image layer, the same thing can be done specifying the Style, but now it will be the width property and possible the height property you want to over-ride in your CSS. In my tests, the width seems to be more important, but it could be with some grid settings, the height is more important. It doesn't hurt to fix both if that is the effect you're going for.

    This component is full of options. To make the most of it, I'd like to suggest the developers, in combination with the Ajax and Wordpress version developers, create a forum for discussing and showing what we can (and can't) do with this awesome product. What do you think?

  •  951
    Max replied

    I think it's a good idea, but I don't decide, the themepunch deevlopers decide. I just porting the slider to joomla and offer it on the unitecms.net website. But thanks for the long description and for the offer. I'll use the knowlagde you gave me for next support issues. 

    Good luck!