  Public Ticket #1851234
Image gallery issues


  • Tom Crielly started the conversation


    I'm using the 'Tiles Grid Image' gallery (but this seems to apply to the others as well, as I tried a few to see). Is there any way for the images being used in the gallery to pull the titles from the media library as I'm having to edit them again separately within the addon too? I also tried naming the files as specifically as possible before uploading but the gallery addon adds hyphens "-" between the words which means going back in and editing them all again anyway. It's double work to edit in the media library AND in the addon system (which isn't the quickest to edit titles when you have lots to do) and I have some galleries with loads of images which are not easy to select and edit from the addon as I am constantly scrolling up and down to select and then edit back and forward for all the images in the gallery. I've tried importing from the media library rather than straight into the addon but have the same issue with the hyphens being added.

    Hoping their is an easy answer to this as i have about a thousand images to sort across multiple galleries and don't want to swap to another gallery system at this stage (and the galleries were one of the main reasons I bought this plugin bundle).

    Thanks, Tom

  •   Max replied privately