  Public Ticket #169119
Can't save slide settings


  • Benjamin started the conversation
    When I go to edit a slides style like a cation and hit save nothing happens. I can't save at all and can only close the box by cancelling. Also I can't overwrite any preset styles. Everything else seems to work fine. Any ideas on whats going on?
  •   Max replied privately
  •   Benjamin replied privately
  • Benjamin replied

    Well that was an easy fix. It seems to be a chrome browser issue. I teseted it on firefox and it works as is. Evertything saves correctly.

  •  902
    Max replied

    ok, so if you still need my help please write me, if no, good luck! 

  • Abdul replied

    i am having the same issue. kindly share what the fix is


    many thanks



  • Benjamin replied

    The trick for me was the grid size and the settings of the slider. (see pic) Then once I got that the only thing that I felt needed tweaking was the resolution range of 801-1366. so I add this css: /* Limits height of revolution slider on 1366 affected by grid of slider */
    @media (min-width: 801px) and (max-width: 1366px) {
    #rev_slider_2_1 {
    max-height: 500px !important; }
    } . See pick on how it should look. With this setting I'm happy. I imagine tweaking around with these you get similar results. See my pics for my results.  If would be awesome if we could choose grid size settings based off of screen size :)


  • Benjamin replied

    and what the css should like

  • abdul replied

    many thanks

  •  902
    Max replied

    Cool, Benjamin, thanks for sharing. 

  • Benjamin replied

    No problem and just an update I changed the grid settings to 1200X700. It was to square on the ipad for me