  Public Ticket #1670008
Video will not play


  • Michael started the conversation

    the videos in html5 are not played. it works with youtube.
    Player opens, but the video does not start
    here the video files.

    can you help me?

  •  802
    Igor replied


    can you tell me in which browser do you see this issue? Can you please provide URL to the page where you have Unite slider published?

    You have put this ticket in the Unite gallery category but I am guessing that you actually have a problem with the Unite slider. Right?


  • Michael replied


    I found the problem, it's up to the video file.
    Some files work, some files do not work.

  • Michael replied

    It's about Unite Gallery, not the slider.

    Unfortunately, it does not work.
    The videos start, but I can not continue to serve.
    With MS Edge (Windows10) the buttons do not work. Stop, volume, full screen, all this is not possible.
    The buttons work with Google Chrome, but the full screen does not work properly. I can switch to full screen, but if I switch back, Google Chrome will stop completely. Then nothing works, I have to restart Google Chrome.
    On my Website http://www.faszination-unter-wasser.de/index.php/videosmenue I included in the menu "videos" above a video without Unite Gallery that works.
    Below is a gallery (heading "Test Videogallery") with two videos for testing. That does not work right.

    Thanks for your help

  •  802
    Igor replied


    Please provide URL to your site and super admin login details so we can take a look and see what could be the issue


  •   Michael replied privately
  •   Max replied privately
  •   Max replied privately
  • Michael replied


    That's the problem.
    Top of the player without Gallery works fine.
    The same movies in the gallery with the same player does not work.
    I have since discovered that the Firefox browser works. Crome and Edge do not, what can I do? I liked a videogallery like the Fotogallery under the menu "Fotos".

  •   Max replied privately
  • Michael replied


    sorry, I do not know what to do with the file.
    Where exactly should I copy the css file or which file should I replace?

    For me, the Chrome browser also plays. The films are played.
    When I switch to full screen, the movie also plays. When I press the stop button in full screen, the full screen will close and I will see the thumbnail of the first movie in the gallery. I can not do anything anymore.
    After that I press "ESC", then I can start the movie again.
    Without taking the full screen, the Chrome player works well.

    MS-Edge also plays the movie. MS-Edge does not work with the buttons (stop, volume, slider, fullscreen etc.). Only the close button works. The close button is from the Gellery, not the player.

    Thank you for your help

  •   Max replied privately
  • Michael replied

    I think I found the problem.
    It is not the player. It is the lightbox.
    I took the gallery of the type "video gallery" for testing, which works perfectly.
    The galleries of type "Grid" or "Tiles" use the lightbox.
    The buttons from the player do not work because Unite-Gallery wants to operate the lightbox - not the player.
    If I click on a button with the mouse (MS-Edge), I can move the lightbox but the function of the button does not work.

    The close button goes because the button is from the lightbox and not from the player.

    In the gallery without Lightbox everything is ok, in the galleries with Lightbox the problem exists.
    On my side (back-end) I have two galleries whose names begin with "Test ...".
    1 of the type "Videogallery" - which works perfectly.
    1 of the type "Tiles - Columns" which does not work properly in the lightbox.

    I turned off the encryption.
    BTW: You should have the access data for admin, I have set up a user for you.

    Thank you for your help

  •   Max replied privately
  • Michael replied

    I also use the gallery for pictures and would like to use them for the pictures.

    For the videos I did it differently, I do not use a gallery.
    I now have a single player in the articles for each video.
    this is more complex and visually different than the pictures.

    Is it possible to have a directlink to the pictures at the gallery?
    e.g. ... menu / gallerymenu / Picture1. so that direct gallery and the lightbox will be opened with picture1.

  •   Max replied privately
  • Michael replied

    No, that's not what I mean.
    e.g. I have a gallery with 5 images, image_1, image_2, image_3, image_4 and image_5. filed in the menu "myGallery". The link to the gallery is http: // mydomain / mygallery.
    If I choose picture 1, the lightbox opens and shows picture 1 as a big picture.
    can I link this view? The link would be http: // mydomain / mygallery / image_1.

    If one chooses this link, the gallery should be shown and the lightbox with Picture_1 should be displayed directly.

  •   Max replied privately