  Public Ticket #1525045
Image sizes in modules


  • Brian Cronin started the conversation

    Hi Support,
                       I am working my way through trying to use the various addons and am finding in many of them there does not seem to be any way in which to edit the size of the image I am using in the addon.
    When I view the addon in a new view the image is either grossly oversized for the addon I am using or it is chopped off.

    Is there something I am missing with regards the size of images I should be choosing for these addons or is there somewhere in the process to alter the image size to fit the addon blocks.

    Your support is appreciated

  •   Max replied privately
  • Brian Cronin replied

    Hi Max
              Not sure if this is the best way to show you my image issues however this is a zip of a layout page using product slider multi text.
    The images view very pixelated!
    If this is the best way to send you the problem I will send another example, sorry I cannot send a link as I cannot put a page up on my site looking like this.

    Your explanation for this isse may solve the rest of my problems that display image s like this or images that are "cropped" from their original view.

  •   Max replied privately
  • Brian Cronin replied

    Hi Max
              So the bigger images should always resize to the templates, there is no requirement to have a set size of all images?

    Thank you in advance

  •   Max replied privately
  • Brian Cronin replied

    That would be very good if you can "Is there a help file you can send me"?

  •   Max replied privately