Comments 2Frank Hautog started the conversationMarch 18, 2018 at 9:43amHello, I try to embed a mp4-videofile, that is hostet on the webspace of my webhoster, but I get the errormessage: video-format or mime-typ is not supportet. On the website VIDEOS > the last article > 2. Videothe first is hostet on youtube and that works.With regardsFrank 2Frank Hautog repliedMarch 18, 2018 at 10:14amI have solved the problem. the path of the item was defect. 802Igor repliedMarch 18, 2018 at 10:17amHi, no problem at all. Glad you were able to solve the issueRegards,Igor Sign in to reply ...
Hello, I try to embed a mp4-videofile, that is hostet on the webspace of my webhoster, but I get the errormessage: video-format or mime-typ is not supportet. On the website VIDEOS > the last article > 2. Video
the first is hostet on youtube and that works.
With regards
I have solved the problem. the path of the item was defect.
no problem at all. Glad you were able to solve the issue