Hi, I've just bought and installed (updated) to Unite Slider 5.0.12 because I had problem with adding Youtube videos in my slides. I got "Video not found". Now, I still have almost the same problem, I get "YouTube: Maybe wrong YoutTube ID given"
Hi, I don't know how to whitelist a whole country so I have temporarely disabled the whitelist-function. You should be able to access the admin-area within 15 minutes.
Hi, I've just bought and installed (updated) to Unite Slider 5.0.12 because I had problem with adding Youtube videos in my slides. I got "Video not found". Now, I still have almost the same problem, I get "YouTube: Maybe wrong YoutTube ID given"
The Youtube-video ID: KqbB8D7Oj5k
The Youtube video:
Please provide URL to your site and super admin login details so we can take a look and see what could be the issue
Access Denied - Sucuri Website Firewall
Please add Croatia to the white list temporarily so I can access the website
Hi, sry about that, I need your IP-address so I can whitelist it.
I have a dynamic IP address. That is why I asked to white list Croatia IP range
Hi, I don't know how to whitelist a whole country so I have temporarely disabled the whitelist-function. You should be able to access the admin-area within 15 minutes.
It's enabled (disabled) depending on how you see it :) I just meant that you have to wait for about 15 min before you tried to access the admin-area.
You are totally right, it works now, thanks for great support. I really think this will help a lot of user out there :)
no problem at all. Glad we could help