  Public Ticket #1446350
Add on image icon?


  • Brigitte started the conversation


    How to add on custom image icon to the html?

    Below is my current html:

    <div class="uc_background_image_content_box">
    <div class="uc_item_link">
    <!-- start of box content block -->
    <div class="uc_banner_box">
    <img src="{{image}}" alt="" class="uc_item_img"/>
    <div class="uc_item_html"><img src="{{image}}" alt="" class="uc_item_img"/>
    <h2 class="uc_item_tittle">{{title|raw}}</h2>
    <p class="uc_content_des">{{text|raw}}</p>
    <a class="uc_btn"  href="{{link}}">
    <span class="uc_link_add">{{link_text|raw}}</span>

    Kindly refer to the attachment here.

  •  1,173
    Amit replied

    if you add an attribute and add it in the html it still wont be styled you know ?

    in general to add it to html this is the link 

    <i class="{{icon}}"></i>

    but also it depends where you want it to be in the html 

    not exactly sure what you are trying to achive . 

    also what i wrote depends on the attribute name which i cant see in the screenshot