  Public Ticket #1382623
Blox image chooser doesn´t work correctelly!?!


  •  1
    Bjoern started the conversation


    I have an active Blox Page Builder Pro version installed on my website.

    Now I have a problem if I put into a page an addon and would change the image (i.e. a single product image in a product box addon) than the elfinder image chooser opens and I can choose an image. But if I click on "Slect images" button than nothing will done and the original image of the product box addon is still there, why? I always must insert the link of the image by hand into the image text field to get an other image in the product box!

    On a test joomla it works fine with a free version of Blox Page Builder!

    Can you help me why I canĀ“t insert the choosen images into the addons directelly via image chooser?

    Thanks forward.

    Best Regards,

  •   Max replied privately
  •   Bjoern replied privately
  •   Max replied privately
  •  1
    Bjoern replied

    O.K., thank you for your support.

    I had deactivated the YT Shortcode Plugin from SmartAddons.com on my website and after that Blox works fine.  :-)

  •   Max replied privately