  Public Ticket #1348701
HTML component went haywire!


  •  1
    D\'Arcy started the conversation

    Set up new row w/ one column. Added content using the HTML component. If I use full screen, add either text/code and choose update ... nothing happens. The text does not display on the page even though it is shown correctly on the editor work panel. Tried everything ... no go. Can you give some guidance on what I am doing wrong. Thanks

  •   Max replied privately
  •  1
    D\'Arcy replied

    Updated HTML add-on. Cannot add images via full-screen HTML editor. Same with links. It seem the only way this editor works is with "source"! What am I doing wrong?

    Are there plans to upgrade the HTML Editor?

    Is there another editor, such as JCE that can be used with BLOX?

    thanks ... D E Havill

  •   Max replied privately