  Public Ticket #1317646
Slider not working


  • bdijk started the conversation

    We are in the process of migration our Joomla website to a new location, with a update of Joomla to release 3.8. We now see that the slider is no longer working. I upgrade it to release 5, to no avail.

    In the console I see the follow error:

    Uncaught TypeError: $(...).juslider(...).juslider_navigator is not a function
        at HTMLDocument.<anonymous> ((index):253)
        at i (jquery.min.js?87b6704fbcf96f58e2c419e5d455c8cb:2)
        at Object.fireWith [as resolveWith] (jquery.min.js?87b6704fbcf96f58e2c419e5d455c8cb:2)
        at Function.ready (jquery.min.js?87b6704fbcf96f58e2c419e5d455c8cb:2)
        at HTMLDocument.K (jquery.min.js?87b6704fbcf96f58e2c419e5d455c8cb:2)

    If I check the code, we seem to have duplicate jQuery sections like below:

    juslider_api124 = $("#ju-contentslider-124 .ju-slider-wrap").juslider({displayeditems: 5, circular: true, effect: 'classic_slide', easingin: 'linear', easingout: 'linear', initialIndex: 0, keyboard: true, mousewheel: true, wheelSpeed: 100, size: 3, speedin: 700, speedout: 400, vertical: false, responsive: true, responsiveOneItem: false, autoHeightOneItem: false, touch: true, scrollwhen: 1, directionin: 'left', directionout: 'right', overlapin: 0.3, overlapout: 0.3, items: '#ju-contentslider-124 .ju-slider-itemwrap', onLoad: null, onBeforeSeek: null, onSeek: null, onResponsive: null}).juslider_navigator({navi: '#ju-contentslider-124 .ju-slider-navigator', indexed: true, history: false}).juslider_autoscroll({autoplay: true, direction: 1, interval: 11000, autopause: false}).data("juslider");
    $("#ju-contentslider-124 .ju-slider-play").click(function(){


    Any thoughts?

  •  521
    Igor replied


    Please provide URL to your site and super admin login details so we can take a look and see what could be the issue
