  Public Ticket #1282733
add class to buttons


  • Raphael started the conversation

    Hello, I need to add class to buttons or even set ID so I can trigger my modal forms. I dont see a place for that on the buttons I used.

    How to do it please? Without it I will not be able to use them....


  •   Max replied privately
  • Raphael replied

    Hello Max, thanks. I have gone there and couldnt understand, so please I need your help.

    What I need is to have the "Class" field on the addon Atribute so I can add different buttons all over my website and each button will have a unique class so I can trigger different popups. 

    I hope I could make myself understandable here. If not, please let me know.


  • Raphael replied

    got it! thanks.

    this tool is fantastic.

    but as a sugetion, please, place the "Class" field to all buttons and addons actually in the next plugin update. Its very usefull to be able to place custom class to the addons like that...

    now I will have to do it manyally.
