Comments franck started the conversationApril 13, 2017 at 3:42pmI put multiple Carousel in article but only the first one works, it seems the javascript cannot manage te other ones. What can i do ? 802Igor repliedApril 14, 2017 at 7:11amHi, Please provide URL to your site and super admin login details so we can take a look and see what could be the issueRegards,Igor franck replied privately 802Igor repliedApril 15, 2017 at 10:48amHi,I can't see second gallery on that page. I can see only one galleryRegards,Igor Sign in to reply ...
I put multiple Carousel in article but only the first one works, it seems the javascript cannot manage te other ones. What can i do ?
Please provide URL to your site and super admin login details so we can take a look and see what could be the issue
I can't see second gallery on that page. I can see only one gallery