Comments bianca started the conversationApril 8, 2017 at 12:16pmHello, Is there a posiblity to put a watermark/coppyright in the picture. If people want to coppy the picture they can but have one with a coppyright.I use the grid themeGreetings Bianca 876Igor repliedApril 9, 2017 at 5:22amHi,I am afraid that this is not possible with the current version of Unite galleryRegards,Igorbianca repliedApril 10, 2017 at 2:32pmIs there a plugin for it that works?? Or can you make a option like there was made a option open in new window for a addon?? 876Igor repliedApril 11, 2017 at 11:16amHi,I am sorry but there is no plugin that would work with Unite gallery which could provide such featureRegards,Igor Sign in to reply ...
Hello, Is there a posiblity to put a watermark/coppyright in the picture. If people want to coppy the picture they can but have one with a coppyright.
I use the grid theme
Greetings Bianca
I am afraid that this is not possible with the current version of Unite gallery
Is there a plugin for it that works?? Or can you make a option like there was made a option open in new window for a addon??
I am sorry but there is no plugin that would work with Unite gallery which could provide such feature