
Public Tickets

Michel Ballasse Unite Galery ModuleClosed Unite Gallery   Updated October 15, 2016 at 5:37pm   3 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hello, Awesome! I'm glad the problem is solved. If you have 5 minutes, we will much appreciate if you would write a review for Unite Gallery on the JED. You can submit it here: ... Lee Installing errorClosed Unite Slider   Updated October 15, 2016 at 5:31pm   3 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,sorry for not replying sooner. After all, it is weekend.I'm glad the problem is solved. If you have 5 minutes, we will much appreciate if you would write a review for Revolution slider on t ... Sabine Unite FormsClosed   Updated October 15, 2016 at 11:36am   2 Most recent comment from Max:HI, it must be some joomla bug. we don't support the "install from web" option. Please download the newest version from unitecms.net website and install the version from there and not from the web. Yannis Difficult UI on itemsClosed Unite Gallery   Updated October 14, 2016 at 2:55pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi, Please provide URL to your site and super admin login details so we can take a look and see what could be the issue Corrado Campisi CompatibilityClosed Unite Slider   Updated October 14, 2016 at 2:51pm   6 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,no problem at all. Just be sure to open a new ticket so we can get a track and provide better support Ian Shere Front end usageClosed Unite Gallery   Updated October 13, 2016 at 5:53pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,unite gallery does have multiple galleries feature but you would see it as tabs or selectbox above the galleryJust set "Enable Category Tabs" parameter to yes Jonathan PHP7 compatibility yet?Closed Unite Slider   Updated October 8, 2016 at 10:57am   9 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,you have to set Error reporting in Joomla global configuration to level None James McLean Feature RequestClosed Unite Slider   Updated October 6, 2016 at 10:03pm   8 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:No problem at all. I am glad I could help Dorine Lazy load ?Closed Unite Gallery   Updated October 6, 2016 at 10:23am   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,because of the way Gallery works right now, any 3rd party Lazy load plugin would make the Gallery unusable. I did test it with few lazy load plugins but none of them workedI will suggest this feat ... Riccardo Problem with HTTPSClosed Unite Slider   Updated October 4, 2016 at 9:53pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Please update your Revolution slider to the latest version which can be download from UniteCMS website David Slider not loading (sometimes)Closed Unite Slider   Updated October 3, 2016 at 11:30am   12 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:You have an issue with the "System - AnimateIt!" Joomla plugin but also with some kind of cachingI tried to disable that plugin but it is still loaded somehow on the site. That is why I say that you a ... Gorast Split thumbnails with some space?Closed Unite Slider   Updated October 3, 2016 at 11:01am   11 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:No problem at all Gorast Darkening the imageClosed Unite Slider   Updated October 1, 2016 at 2:38pm   6 Most recent comment from Max:Hi. I'm sorry, but we don't support custom changes like you did in css. it's ok that you did, but we can't support it. I think that if you want to make the image darker you need to modify the dots im ... Ty Single imageClosed Unite Gallery   Updated September 30, 2016 at 4:29pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,no, I am afraid that Unite Gallery can show you just one image without defining a gallery for it Charles Brockman Upgrade from V4.2 to V4.7.3 b4Closed Unite Slider   Updated September 29, 2016 at 10:39pm   7 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,you could also use the same feature directly in the Revolution slider under Import/Export but I am glad that you managed to solve the issue