
Public Tickets

Elizabeth Lourens A pop-up form?Closed   Updated November 18, 2016 at 4:39pm   3 Most recent comment from Miroslav:Elizabeth, you can do that with modals plugin. here http://www.kutjevo.com/novo/ search the link Kontakt at the bottom of the page  Ron Some QuestionsClosed Unite Slider   Updated November 16, 2016 at 1:54pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi Ron,1. you will have to use media queries for specific device screen sizes and define positioning and sizes of elements on the slider based on those resolutions. Revolution slider can't do this ma ... Stan Pletcher not working with Joomla 3.64Closed Unite Slider   Updated November 15, 2016 at 1:19pm   5 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi Chris,please open new support ticket as a private one and share your website details in that ticket so I can take a look and see what could be the issue James Image Resize to Fit AreaClosed Unite Gallery   Updated November 12, 2016 at 1:28pm   10 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,yes, they need to have the same width to height ratio. They don't have to have the same size Rob Copeland Slide Links not workingClosed Unite Slider   Updated November 11, 2016 at 12:14am   8 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,I am using Windows 10 with the Chrome browser Michael RitZenhoff modal /Closed   Updated November 10, 2016 at 6:34pm   5 Most recent comment from Michael:Yes, get Modal from Regular Labs. Create a new Text Layer (make sure it's the top most layer  - highest z-index).Put your modal code in there, make sure to include text as the link and then shape up ... David Video and images slideshow autoloaded from a folder - Presale questionClosed Unite Slider   Updated November 10, 2016 at 4:06pm   4 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,yes, of course. You can create new sliders using backend Slider component Claudio Scroll down arrow iconClosed Unite Slider   Updated November 10, 2016 at 3:32pm   4 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,I am afraid that there is no example for such because it is something that is specific to your request webitaly INSERT IMAGE BUTTON NOT WORKClosed Unite Slider   Updated November 10, 2016 at 1:18pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,please put your website to the live server so we can take a look. We can't provide support for a localhost installations James Byrne image rotation Closed Unite Gallery   Updated November 10, 2016 at 1:17pm   2 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,I am guessing that you have used Rotate feature of Windows explorer. That feature just rotates images using hidden desktop ini file which tells Explorer to show images in a specific way. It doesn't ... Roberto Full Scren not functionClosed   Updated November 9, 2016 at 12:29am   4 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Please update your Showbiz to the latest version which can be download from UniteCMS website Jose Lazy load in ShowbizClosed   Updated November 8, 2016 at 2:15pm   4 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hi,I am afraid that I don't have such information Anna blau Required​ check buttonClosed   Updated November 7, 2016 at 10:25pm   7 Most recent comment from Max:Hello. unfortunatelly we are in a situation when we don't have a developer for the forms, so we can't update it right now. the devloper that we had left and now we don't have somebody that continue th ... Michel Tile grig bug on mobile screenClosed Unite Gallery   Updated November 7, 2016 at 10:21pm   4 Most recent comment from Max:HI, I know, it's a small bug that I should fix. though it's hard to destinguish between a touch or not toch device, nowdays even couputers can be touch. anyway, in ipad I made that the links works ... Theodoros Drivas Vimeo video HTTPSClosed Unite Slider   Updated November 4, 2016 at 12:37pm   5 Most recent comment from Igor Mihaljko:Hello, Awesome! I'm glad the problem is solved. If you have 5 minutes, we will much appreciate if you would write a review for Revolution slider on the JED. You can submit it here: http://exten ...